Best Practices for Robust and Reproducible Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis#


The goal of this course is to introduce the rationale and basic concepts of neuroimaging meta-analysis, paired with a detailed tutorial using the Neurosynth Compose platform. This book has two main sections: a set of video lectures, and an interactive tutorial , where you will follow Dr. Anna Lytical on her journey to run a meta-analysis.

This was original taught as a half day course. Feel free to browse at your leisure, or complete the whole course in 2-3 hours.


After following this tutorial visit the official documentation for up to date documentation on the Neurosynth Compose platform.

Course goals#

After this course you will be able to:

  • Define what a neuroimaging meta-analysis is

  • Know the landscape of neuroimaging meta-analysis methods

  • Identify the strengths and weakness of different meta-analysis methods

  • Choose a meta-analysis method that is appropriate for your research question and available data

  • Run a meta-analysis using a reproducible workflow and tools on Neurosynth Compose

  • Interpret the results of your meta-analysis